Life of the Church Outside Sunday Meetings
Small Groups
Small groups of 4–8 people meet regularly to get to know each other better. The format of the small group is flexible and decided by the members of each group. Speak to a regular attender if you are interested in joining a small group.
Community Life Meeting
Once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month after worship, some regular attenders meet to check in with each other and take care of many of the business-like activities of the church (e.g., planning retreats, changing structure of the worship, etc).
About 3 times a year, the church will have retreats at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Center.
Service Projects
There are semi-regular service projects.
Growing Edges Retreat
We hold an annual retreat where regular adult attenders of the Sunday morning worship gather to talk about our “spiritual growing edges” — issues, ideas, or experiences that we are thinking and praying about right now as individuals and as a church community. A cutting edge could be a yearning for something different, a new way you are feeling about God, or any aspect of your spiritual life you wish to share with the group.
Anyone who has come to Sunday services is welcome to come to this retreat. Depending on the number of people who come to the retreat, we may share in one big circle or break into two groups.
The retreat is a time for spiritual renewal, but it also serves two practical roles in the life of the church. First, notes are traditionally taken on these cutting edges to guide the worship coordinators in planning the next year’s worship themes. Second, a separate time is set aside during the retreat (usually the second part of the morning) where we each say how we wish to participate in making church happen in the coming year. There will be lists of traditional roles (worship leaders, worship coordinators, Sunday school teachers, etc.), and everyone will have a chance to volunteer to whatever role they feel called.